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[ 会议基本信息 ]
会议名称(中文): 第六届植物微量繁殖生产和建立国际研讨会
会议名称(英文): VI International Symposium on Production and Establishment of Micropropagated Plants
所属学科: 作物学及林木育种、生物学,园艺学
开始日期: 2015-04-19
结束日期: 2015-04-24
所在国家: 意大利
所在城市:     意大利
具体地点: Sanremo
主办单位: 国际园艺学会
[ 组织结构 ]
姓名 职务 简介 演讲题目
[ 重要日期 ]
摘要截稿日期: 2014-09-30
[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系电话: +39 0184 53 51 49
传真: +39 0184 54 21 11
E-MAIL: 6thPEMP@regflor.it
会议网站: http://www.regflor.it/ISHS2015/
 On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to welcome you to the official website of the 6th International Symposium on Production and Establishment of Micropropagated Plants (PEMP 2015) which will be held in Sanremo, 19th-24th April 2015.

The general scope of the Symposium is aimed to go deep into the micropropagation processes and to create an interactive opportunity for people involved in research and industry.

The program includes specific and challenging sessions from which we are sure that new ideas will arise.

We are glad that several leading experts have already confirmed their participation with stimulating lectures.

A technical tour will give the opportunity to take a view of the production reality of our region, particularly addressed to the sector of ornamental plants.

The term "sympòsion" derives from the greek syn + pìnein, drink together, and we will try to welcome you into an atmosphere in which our conversations and reflections will be accompanied by social occasions where you can enjoy the gastronomic specialties of our Region.
 The 6th Intl Symposium on Production and Establishment of Micropropagated Plants will focus on the following sessions:

Understanding in vitro growth
The development of tissue culture system is a rigorous procedure that involves genetic, physiological and developmental approaches as well requires the optimization of chemical, physical and environmental factors of growth. In this section, which will be expanded in two parts (1 & 2), lectures, oral and poster presentations addressed to understand the mechanisms which are underlying the regeneration systems and the in vitro growth will be considered.

Managing micropropagation process
Despite the advances made in plant tissue culture, the application of this technique is still hampered by various physiological and developmental problems. This section will face several aspects faced during the managing of the micropropagation process e.g. contamination problems, abnormal growth, lack of juvenility, shoot-tip necrosis, fasciation, tissue proliferation, epigenetic changes and somaclonal variation. This section will covers part 3 & 4 of the Symposium.

Rooting and establishment of micropropagated plantlets
Rooting and establishment are two crucial steps in the micropropagation process and this section will deal with underlying mechanism of rooting process, rooting recalcitrance, acclimatization losses and field evaluation of ex vitro plantlets

Micropropagation industry: new niches and roles for tissue culture companies
Since the general goal of our Symposium is to create an interaction between the scientific aspect and the application point of view of the in vitro management, we have thought to dedicate a specific session to the micropropagation industry. Industrial laboratories are welcome as well as researchers whose research is closely developed with the micropropagation industry to face themes related to scaling up, bioreactors, new niches of application e.g. root culture to produce secondary metabolites or commercial micropropagation for crops desirable for new niche markets.